An effective marketing strategy is important for small business. Your day to day operations entail a lot of work. By writing out a plan for your marketing activities, you create a framework to manage all of your marketing activities for the coming months and year. This allows you to focus on your other day to day operations without losing track of your marketing activities.
A Few Important Considerations for Creating an Effective Marketing Strategy

- Create a Marketing Calendar: Your are more likely to follow your plan if you put it in writing. Creating a marketing calendar is a great way to organize your plan and track it over time. Your marketing calendar can include your specific marketing activities, budget, and results.
- Be Flexible: Be willing to adapt your marketing strategy as your business needs change. Your strategy is a set of goals and plans, that can change to reflect the realities of day to day business. Things change, and you must be flexible in your strategy.
- Be Committed: Once you’ve created a marketing plan, be committed. Commit to following your strategy. Commit to reviewing it regularly and adjusting as needed. Having an effective strategy only works if you commit to following through.
- Include All Marketing Activities: Be sure to include all of your marketing activities in your strategy. Activities you may want to include are : sales promotions, special events, traditional and digital advertising, e-mail marketing, new blog posts, building a website, social media campaigns, point of purchase displays, and more.
- Understand Your Goals and Target Audiences: One mistake some small business owners make is not understanding their goals and target audiences. I was once told by a business owner that the demographic audience of the rock radio station I managed was not his target audience. And even though my audience shopped for his category of products regularly, he didn’t like the content of my platform. The moral in this is don’t turn potential customers away by failing to recognize a the value of a customer acquisition channel. Don’t let personal preferences blind you to finding new customers. Understand your audience and how to reach that audience to meet your goals.
So it takes a bit of time to set your goals, and determine the audiences you want to target for new business growth. In the long run however, you will save time and frustration by having an effective marketing strategy.
Homestead Digital Media Services is happy to help you create an effective marketing strategy for your business. Please contact us for a free consultation.
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