FAQ: Solutions For Small Business

Please read through our frequently asked questions (FAQ) to learn more about the solutions Homestead Digital Media Services provides for small businesses. If you have further questions or are ready to schedule your free consultation please contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Managing the social media accounts is a time consuming task which takes away from your other duties as a small business manager. It is important to grow your community online. This gives you a larger pool of potential customers. It allows you to interact with your customers even when they are not at your business. Increasing mindshare with relevant content will grow your business.

Social Media Solutions
Image courtesy of FeelArt/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Social Media Solutions

Homestead Digital Media Services provides solutions to help you optimize and manage your social media marketing. We have tools that will help you automate some of the work. Or we can actively help you manage you social media accounts. When combined with our content marketing and digital advertising solutions we provide you powerful tools to grow your digital following and increase mindshare. With Homestead Digital Media Services managing your social media marketing, you are free to convert likes and shares into sales.

To learn more or schedule a free consultation, please contact us.

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Disclosure: Homestead Digital Media Services is an independent small business who makes referrals and recommendations for other companies and products. For these referrals and recommendations we may receive a payment.



Brand optimization is the art of controlling information about your business. Your brand is not just your logo and trademarks. It is how you communicate to customers. Everything you do in your business is part of your brand. It all matters.

Brand Optimization
Image courtesy of everydayplus/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Where many small business owners fall short with their brand messaging is on the internet. There are numerous review and business information platforms across the web. They are providing information about your business which may not be accurate. Customers may leave reviews and if you are not aware of these platforms, you may not even know there is a problem.

Brand Optimization Solutions

Homestead Digital Media Services will help you find these platforms and use them to your advantage. By claiming your business on platforms like Yelp, Google Business, and Facebook Local you will connect with more new customers and strengthen your relationship with loyal customers. We will perform an audit of the most relevant platforms to your business, and then assist you in claiming and updating these pages so they work for you.

To learn more or schedule a free consultation, please contact us.

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Disclosure: Homestead Digital Media Services is an independent small business who makes referrals and recommendations for other companies and products. For these referrals and recommendations we may receive a payment.

Free website builders are great if you want to share pictures of your cat with grandma. When you operate a small business, controlling your brand is a must. When you host with and use these free website builders like Rhymes with Six, for your business, you lose control of your brand message from the very start.

Free Website Builders

Follow This Link to learn Why Free Website Builders Are A Bad Idea


Further, most of these free website builders are ad supported. This means that other companies ads will be shown on your website. You will have no control over this. Great for your competitor. Not so much for you.

These companies will offer to upgrade you to your own domain name and remove the ads. They will also sell you hosting on their server for an inflated price. If you want to save money and build your own website, at least purchase your hosting from a reputable company and use the sitebuilder software included in your control panel. You’ll do just as well and save money. If you choose a host that offers one click WordPress installation, even better.

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Homestead Digital Media Services will be happy to provide you with a free consultation. We will listen to your needs and then offer you affordable solutions for your small business. To schedule your free consultation or learn more, please contact us.

Free Website Builders

Disclosure: We are an independent company that sometimes makes recommendations and referrals for other companies and products. Homestead Digital Media Services may receive a fee if for those referrals and recommendations. For more info please read our privacy policy.




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